Erwin J. Wong

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


Erwin J. Wong, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, oversees the academic enterprise of the college, including academic retention efforts such as the Academic Momentum 2.0 (AcMo 2.0) CUNY-wide initiative to accelerate degree completion in a timely manner and support graduates’ successful transfer to senior colleges with no loss of credit.

Provost Wong also oversees the development of academic degree and certificate programs at BMCC, and the expansion of online degree programs. His accomplishments in Academic Affairs include having nearly tripled the academic degree programs at BMCC and having implemented the college’s Honors Scholars Program. Provost Wong put the Pathways to Degree Completion initiative in place at BMCC, and secured over 200 articulation agreements with public and private institutions of higher education, as well as guiding the creation of a memorandum of understanding with Career and Technical Education (CTE) high schools to provide their graduates with credit for prior learning and pathways to BMCC degree programs in the Business Management Department, Health Studies Department and Computer Information Systems Department.

In addition, Provost Wong has worked with several academic departments to establish evening/weekend programs at BMCC. He led efforts to establish an extension center in uptown Manhattan in the aftermath of 9/11, and collaborated with the entire BMCC community in successfully re-opening BMCC after 9/11.

Provost Wong earned both an M.A. and Ph.D. in English from Stony Brook University, SUNY, where he specialized in the 16th-Century, 17th-Century and Modern Drama. He received a B.A. in English from Brooklyn College, CUNY. His scholarly and peer-reviewed articles have focused on topics such as assessment, pedagogy and popular culture.

Provost Wong joined BMCC in 1984 as a tenure track assistant professor in the English Department. He earned tenure, moved up the ranks to associate professor and then full professor, and served as the Deputy Chairperson of the English Department.

Before serving as Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Provost Wong served as the Acting Associate Dean of Academic Programs, the Associate Dean of Academic Programs and the Dean of Academic Programs and Instruction. He was the Acting Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs before permanently assuming that role.

Areas of Expertise: Academic Program and Curriculum Development, Articulation Agreements, Academic Advisement, Pedagogy, the Renaissance, the Restoration, Drama, Popular Culture.